Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Emotional Hangovers and Hang-ups

Right on schedule. I'm feeling better again.

Mr. Dapper walked out my door Saturday afternoon, I had and overwhelming bout of loneliness Saturday night (see below), nursed a cold on Sunday and studied for an exam, attended a dull class on Monday, and arrived at home to messages from a few good friends, including one from Mr. Dapper.

He never lets more than two days pass without trying to contact me. I shudder to think it's his "technique". He called again today while I worked out my frustration at the gym. Again he left a casual "hello" message -- nothing about making plans.

Choosing to study instead of call back, I felt good about my decision to feed my brain first. I emailed him later, of course.

My expectations are more in check than before. My priorities battle with my instincts and hormones. My hopes? Not entirely squashed. My skin is getting thicker.

I say that even as I check my email one last time before bed to see if he's responded.